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The Asian Barometer – Swedish Views of China, India, and Japan

What is the Swedish public’s views of the Asian giants China, India, and Japan? How is cooperation with these countries perceived, and how might public opinion impact the Swedish government’s approach to each country, if at all? Welcome to a discussion of the first-ever survey of Swedish public opinion regarding major Asian countries!

Asia is becoming increasingly important in global economic and political affairs. Sweden’s relations with the three major economies in the region – China, India, and Japan – are wide-ranging and growing in importance to Swedish businesses and households.

The Asian Barometer provides a snapshot of how Swedes perceive these countries and how they believe Sweden should interact with them. The survey builds on responses from a representative sample of Swedish society and has been co-developed by the Asia Programme and the Swedish National China Centre (NKK) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), and the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) at the Stockholm School of Economics, in collaboration with the SOM Institute at the University of Gothenburg. In this webinar, we will present and discuss the results of the survey. 


Nicholas Olczak
Associate Fellow at UI’s Asia Programme

Åsa Malmström Rognes
Head of UI’s Asia Programme

Björn Jerdén
Director of NKK

Henrik Chetan Aspengren
Research Fellow at UI’s Asia Programme


Patrik Ström
Director of EIJS


  • 21 June 22 11:00
  • Zoom (online)